147 research outputs found

    Web Queries: From a Web of Data to a Semantic Web?

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    Exploiting XML Technologies in Medical Information Systems

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    Integration of clinical research data and routine care data, in order to streamline the process of conducting clinical studies, has been a problem for quite a while now. The Single Source project at the University of Münster aims at contributing to this area. The approach is based on a vast usage of XML technology together with a novel integration architecture. The emphasis in this paper is on the former: The seamless usage of XML technology throughout the entire application is presented, and mismatches of programming paradigms are averted by exploiting the features of XML, XQuery and XForms. In particular, this is demonstrated by the example of a component used for handling forms, by how it is built and used in the entire scenario

    Web-Wide Application Customization:The Case of Mashups

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    Application development of is commonly a balancing of interests, as the question of what should actually be implemented is answered differently by different stakeholders. This paper considers mashups, which are a way of allowing an application to grow beyond the capabilities of the original developers. First, it introduces several approaches to integrate mashups into the services, or Web pages, that they are based upon. These approaches commonly implement ways to determine which mashups are potentially relevant for display in a certain Web page context. One approach, ActiveTags, enables users to create reliable mashups based on tags, which effectively, leads to customized views of Web pages with tagged content. A scenario that demonstrates the potential benefits of this approach is presented. Second, a formalization of the approaches is presented which uses a relational analog to show their commonalities. The abstraction from implementation specifics opens the range of vision for fundamental capabilities and gives a clear picture of future work

    Cooperative Hybrid Cloud Intermediaries - Making Cloud Sourcing Feasible for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

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    "The cloud" is widely advertised as a silver bullet for many IT-related challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). While it can potentially have a number of attractive benefits, many SMEs refrain from using cloud sourcing and cloud services because of high upfront costs for building the appropriate knowledge in the enterprise, for searching and screening of possible cloud service providers, and for mastering the intricate legal issues related to outsourcing sensitive data. This paper presents the concept of hybrid cloud intermediaries, an approach that can address many of the prevailing issues. With the aid of empirical findings from a cross-nation study of cloud adoption in SMEs for context, we describe the concept in detail and show conceivable variants, including a comprehensive cross-perspective consolidated model of cloud intermediary value-creation. Subsequently, we analyze the benefits of such a hybrid cloud intermediary for addressing cloud adoption issues in SMEs, and suggest suitable governance structures based on the cooperative paradigm. The resulting entity - a cooperative hybrid cloud intermediary or, more concisely, co-op cloud - is discussed in detail showing both feasible scenarios and limitations for SMEs that would like to engage in a cloud-sourcing

    Technology Selection for Big Data and Analytical Applications

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    The term Big Data has become pervasive in recent years, as smart phones, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, smart meters, diverse sensors, eyeglasses, and even clothes connect to the Internet. However, their generated data is essentially worthless without appropriate data analytics that utilizes information retrieval, statistics, as well as various other techniques. As Big Data is commonly too big for a single person or institution to investigate, appropriate tools are being used that go way beyond a traditional data warehouse and that have been developed in recent years. Unfortunately, there is no single solution but a large variety of different tools, each of which with distinct functionalities, properties and characteristics. Especially small and medium-sized companies have a hard time to keep track, as this requires time, skills, money, and specific knowledge that, in combination, result in high entrance barriers for Big Data utilization. This paper aims to reduce these barriers by explaining and structuring different classes of technologies and the basic criteria for proper technology selection. It proposes a framework that guides especially small and mid-sized companies through a suitable selection process that can serve as a basis for further advances

    Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht

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    Inhalt: I User-Generated Content 1 Tagging vs. Ontologies 3 David Stadler; Semantic Web vs. Web 2.0 13 Armin Stein; User-Generated Advertising 23 Burkhard Weiß; Qualitätsaspekte im User-Generated Content 39 Jens Feldkamp; Data Mining im User-Generated Content 51 Nico Albrecht; II Business-Aspekte 59 AdSense, verwandte Geschäftsmodelle und ihre Long-Tail-Effekte 61 Michael Räckers; SaaS-Geschäftsmodelle im Web 2.0 73 Sebastian Hallek; Monetisierung großer Datenmengen 85 Jan Lammers; Second Life 97 Gereon Strauch; Sicherheit und Vertrauen im Wandel vom Read zum Read/WriteWeb 115 Gunnar Thies; III Suchen und Sozialisieren 127 Universelles Suchen im Web Eine technische, ökonomische und soziale Betrachtung 129 Sebastian Herwig; Spezialisiertes Suchen im Web 141 Felix Müller-Wienbergen; Personalisierte Suche 153 Milan Karow; Blogging vs. Knowledge Management Wie Blogs zu gutem Wissensmanagement in Organisationen beitragen können 167 Daniel Beverungen; IV Technische Aspekte 179 Akamaiisierung von Applikationen 181 Ingo Düppe; IPTV 189 Philipp Bergener; Die Infrastruktur von Suchmaschinen am Fallbeispiel Google 197 Philipp Ciechanowicz; Amazon-Webservices Eine Betrachtung technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Aspekte 207 Oliver Müller; P2P und VoIP 221 Christian Hermanns --

    A Classification Framework for Beacon Applications

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    Beacons have received considerable attention in recent years, which is partially due to the fact that they serve as a flexible and versatile replacement for RFIDs in many applications. However, beacons are mostly considered from a purely technical perspective. This paper provides a conceptual view on application scenarios for beacons and introduces a novel framework for characterizing these. The framework consists of four dimensions: device movement, action trigger, purpose type, and connectivity requirements. Based on these, three archetypical scenarios are described. Finally, event-condition-action rules and online algorithms are used to formalize the backend of a beacon architecture

    Web Service Discovery – Reality Check 2.0

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    In practice the ability to find the right Web service decides between a functionality being implemented anew and at least the possibility of executing it via a service. This report evaluates existing public portals for Web service discovery with respect to their characteristics and their acceptance by developers. For this, we distinguish different possible settings and use cases and evaluate how these are supported in practice. Only few of the publicly available Web service registries are growing in size and importance, with the use case best supported being the pre-programming phase of evaluation of the service landscape. <br

    Eine XML-basierte Systemarchitektur zur Realisierung flexibler Web-Applikationen

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    Nach einer kurzen Einleitung in die Thematik dieser Arbeit werden am Beispiel eines Lebensmittel-Lieferservices dessen Schwachstellen analysiert und Verbesserungspotenziale aufgezeigt. Nach der Diskussion eines allgemeinen Franchisekonzeptes und dessen Anwendung im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden zunächst Anforderungen an eine adäquate Systemarchitektur ermittelt, die Lösungen für die Schwachstellen bietet und das Franchisekonzept unterstützt. Aus den Anforderungen wird eine Systemarchitektur entwickelt und eine spezielle technische Umsetzung dieser Architektur vorgestellt. Es wird insbesondere auf die Anforderung der Personalisierung eingegangen, deren Realisierung im konkreten Beispiel PESS näher beleuchtet und durch eine Beispielsitzung illustriert wird. Eine technische Dokumentation der Implementierung des Prototypen PESS findet sich im Anhang.<br/
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